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Candidate Profiles coming off of computer screen

Job Seeker Services

Why Choose Us As Your Recruiter?

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What to Expect

In talking to a Recruiter, did you ever feel like you and the Recruiter were taking part in two different conversations?


You were trying to get across what you were looking for if you were going to change positions and the Recruiter was trying to stuff you into a predetermined size and shaped box. You felt that the Recruiter really didn't care about you or your family and just wanted to get your resume, set up an interview, email it out and hope.


The goal of The Gorge Group is to be able to call back after five years and find you are still with the institution that we placed you with and are happy that you are there. We are not looking for a "drive by" placement. This is completed by: 

Recruiter and Candidate shaking hands
People connected by a circle

Good Business

If you are happy, you will refer business associates to us. If your new employer is happy, they will give us other positions to fill. We wouldn't want to be treated as a commodity and neither do you.

Candidate with checkmarks

Match Philosophies

We don't simply throw resumes at the institution and hope through sheer numbers that they will hire someone.

We want to match their corporate philosophy with yours. We know that no matter who you chose to associate with, there will be some bumps in the road. If you and the company have the same outlook, it makes it easier to ride out the rough spots.

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Primary Recruiting Locations

Secondary Recruiting Locations

Partner Agency Connections

Serving Banks and Credit Unions Across the West

At any time, The Gorge Group and affiliates have dozens of open positions with our client companies. These positions are with banks and credit unions across the West - from Texas to Alaska and Minnesota to California. Each client has a different focus and philosophy. The opportunities are in major metropolitan areas and very small - population under 1,000 - rural communities. If we don't have what you are looking for today, it could be tomorrow.


Interviews have been set up within twenty-four hours that resulted in a new position within two weeks. We have stayed in touch with Candidates for years before finding that very specific spot for them.

Prior to setting up a conversation for you with one of our clients, we will know what it is you want and where you want it. We are not in the business of setting up interviews. The Gorge Group is in the business of making long-term matches between our Client Companies and Candidates.

If you are ready to make something happen in your career, it is time to contact The Gorge Group.

Here are a few personal questions to ask yourself if you are considering a career change. 

First Question to ask when considering a career change

Am I living where I want to live?

Consider the city, state, atmosphere (rural, urban, suburban), and if you want to be closer or farther away from family and friends. 

Second question to ask when considering a career change

Do I leave my job each day satisfied and ready to enjoy friends and family or am I constantly stressed out? Is my job adversely affecting my personal life?

Third question to ask when considering a career change

Financially, am I able provide for my family and myself in the manner I want to?

Fourth question to ask when considering a career change

Is my current employment situation helping me put together the desired solution for:

• Retirement

• College education for my children

Fifth question to ask when considering a career change

How many hours do I loose from other activities due to the length of my commute? How is that affecting my life?

Picturesque Image of Alaska

Career oriented questions to ask yourself if you are considering a career change. 


5 Year Plan

Where do I want to be in my career in five (5) years?

Will I be able to accomplish this with my current employer?

What obstacles will I need to overcome?

Document with star and money symbol


 Do I have a competitive compensation and benefits program?



Does my current employer recognize and reward my contributions?


People connected by branching lines

Do I enjoy working with my manager, my peers and employer?

person with checkmarks


Is your business philosophy and that of your employer the same?

Where do they clash?


Person climbing stairs

Am I challenged and motivated by my current position?


Person with briefcase

 Is it time to make change on your terms and not your current employers?

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What are you willing to invest to get what you want for you and your family?

If you think it is time to make a change on your terms, set up an appointment to talk to a representative of The Gorge Group to have a confidential discussion of your career.

Interview in office setting
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