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Meet the Team

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Picture of Mike Howard, Managing Director of The Gorge Group

Managing Director

30 years+ of recruiting experience with 20+ focusing on working with financial institutions, I have the experience and contacts to get the right match done.


Personally and leading teams, I’ve completed over 2,000 searches.

30+ Years Recruiting Experience
20+ Years Financial Experience
2000 Searches Completed

My goal is to advance the careers of my Candidates and to grow my Client Companies. It is my practice to form long term, close working relationships with both Candidates and Clients.

By taking the time to understand what a candidate really wants out of life and their career, it is possible to match them to a company that has the same goals and ideals. This creates a synergism that can work for both for the long term.

If a Recruiter first thinks of what is best for the Candidate and the Client Company, that Recruiter cannot help but be successful.

The Gorge Group was created to find solutions to problems. We don't have one way of doing things and try to force our client companies and Candidates into a specific mold. Our Recruiters are trained to listen to our Candidates and Client Companies and then to use their experience and judgment to find a solution that fits the needs of both.

My Team looks forward to creating a solution to your need.

"The future is now"
- George Allen

Director - Financial Services Division

Prior to entering the executive recruiting world, my background was in insurance, loan administration, accounting, and tax preparation for small to medium size businesses. I was also involved in financial planning. The thorough and comprehensive nature required by these professions has had a profound impact on the way that I approach recruiting.

12+ Years Recruiting Financial Institutions
8+ Years as an HR Manager for Oil Fields and Nonprofits
3 years managing low income housing
Picture of Judy, Director of the Gorge Group

Specializing in financial planning for families with disabilities and also professional athletes has given me a unique perspective on life. (Being only 4'9" tall and going to dinner with professional basketball players provided an interesting viewpoint. Attending the Little People of America National Convention and being the "tall" person in the crowd for the first time in my life provided a totally different outlook.)

I was a Board member for the Northwest Rett Syndrome Foundation (Rett is a neuro-developmental disability) from 1997 until 2002 and hold a designation as a Chartered Lifetime Assistance Planner (ChLAP) (specialty training for financial planning for adults and children with disabilities).

Combining 12+ years recruiting for financial institutions with eight+ years as a Human Resources Manager (oil field and nonprofit) and three years managing low income housing gives me a unique perspective.

I've worked with little people and tall athletes. I've lived in small towns and large cities, worked for Fortune 100 companies and two person operations. I understand the importance of lifestyle and corporate culture in finding the right employee for our Client Companies and finding the right environment for our Candidates.


Long-term matches that benefit both our Client Companies and our Candidates are my goals.

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